Dumpster Rental Cost


How Much Does Dumpster Rental Cost?

Dumpster rental can be a very valuable thing during big projects, like remodeling your home, moving, or just when you want to get rid of a large amount of trash all at once. That being said, dumpster rental cost does vary as the companies that rent them, and knowing what to expect when it comes to the overall cost of dumpster rental can help make the process a lot easier. They can be very useful from time to time, and there are a few things to keep in mind when you want to rent a dumpster.

How Much Does It Cost To Rent a Dumpster?

When you need a dumpster, it's always good to know what affects the price. There are three main factors to consider. These are:

  1. the size of the dumpster
  2. amount of time you will be using a dumpster
  3. difficulty of drop off and collection

The least you can expect to pay for dumpster rental is around $100, but the bill can come in at a whopping $1,000 if you have a really big or unusual project. On average, however, you can expect to pay in the region of about $400 to rent a dumpster

Size Of Dumpster

Size matters. The smaller the dumpster, the lower the price you will ultimately have to pay. There are dumpsters of all shapes and sizes and knowing a little bit about what size you need prior to renting can help make the process much faster. For small home remodels you probably do not need anything larger than a standard dumpster. For larger renovations or demolitions you may need an industrial size dumpster. Often, the company you choose can help you understand how much each dumpster will hold so you can choose wisely.

It is always helpful to talk with the rental company for suggestions. If you are going to rent a dumpster, compare estimates from several companies regarding their rental prices, and be sure to ask about any deals they may have for longer rentals.

How Long Will You Be Using The Dumpster?

How long are you going to be keeping the dumpster at your site? In most cases, the price will be a base fee for the initial rental, plus an additional fee for each day that you keep the item on your site. The longer you keep the dumpster, the higher your overall cost is going to be. Long use may run into the several hundred dollar range with month long rental being around $1,000. This helps to cover the cost of waste removal and the cost of keeping insurance on the dumpsters. 

Difficulty Of Drop Off & Collection

The last factor to keep in mind is, of course, how difficult it is to both pick up and deliver the dumpster. If you live further away you can expect to pay larger fees, and if you do end up filling the dumpster with difficult to remove trash you may be looking at additional fees. If your site is easy to get to you may get away with a smaller bill. 

How To Get Your Free Quote

Having trouble finding a company you like? You can get free dumpster rental quotes from registered rental companies in your area right here!

Just fill out your home zip code in the space provided on this page for a 100% FREE, no-obligation quote on the cost to rent a dumpster

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